Statutory Meeting
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Dream City Church - Phoenix
13613 N Cave Creek Rd
Phoenix, AZ 85022
The statutory meeting of the state committee of the Republican Party of Arizona is called for the purpose of electing such officers as required by law and the bylaws of the Party, and for conducting other business as may come before the body.
General Info Email:
Fellow Patriot and State Committeeman,
You are hereby notified that the 2025 Statutory Meeting of the state committee of the Republican Party of Arizona will be held on January 25, 2025, at Dream City Church located at 13613 N Cave Creek Rd, Phoenix, Arizona 85022.
This meeting is being called pursuant to Arizona Republican Party Bylaws, Article III Meetings, Section 1 for the purpose of electing such officers as required by law and the bylaws of the Party, and for conducting other business as may come before the body.
Credentialing will begin at 8:00 AM for the Maricopa County Republican Committee and its corresponding Legislative Districts, and 8:30 AM for all other County Committees. Credentialing will end at 10:00 AM with the meeting convening promptly at 10:00 AM.
At all meetings of the State Committee, members are entitled to vote in person or by proxy given to a qualified Republican elector of the same county and congressional district (or in the case of counties with 500,000 or more population, and legislative district) where the member resides. Participants shall carry no more than three (3) proxies. Every proxy must be attested by a Notary Public or two witnesses, other than the principals, brought to the meeting by the carrier, and it shall be in full force and effect only for the length of the meeting. State Committeemen attending by proxy may be called during credentialling to verify witness signatures. You will find a copy of the proxy form enclosed. The form shall be filled out in its entirety, completely and accurately, with no blank fields or scratch-outs. State Committeemen or their designated proxies are required to present photo identification to conduct business, receive ballots, and cast votes. As a reminder, credentials are not transferable at any time during the course of the meeting.
Enclosed with this call are the meeting agenda, map of venue, meeting rules, proposed bylaw amendments, proposed resolutions, the nominating committee report, and official proxy form.
Additional nominations and resolutions may be presented on the floor, in accordance with the meeting rules and the requirements outlined in the bylaws.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the State Party Headquarters at (602) 957-7770. We look forward to a productive meeting as we unite to secure Arizona's future!
Gina Swoboda
Chairwoman, Republican Party of Arizona
Christine Ong Cothrun
Secretary, Republican Party of Arizona
Times listed are approximate and for guidance only
8:00 AM Credentialing Begins (Maricopa)
8:30 AM Credentialing Begins for all other Counties 10:00 AM Credentialing Closes
10:00 AM Call to Order – Opening Remarks
- Invocation
- Presentation of the Colors
- Pledge of Allegiance
- National Anthem
- Chairman’s Welcome
- Credential Committee Report
- Adoption of the Rules
- Approval of the Agenda
Nominations Committee Report
Nominations from the Floor
Candidate Speeches
Treasurer’s Report
RNC Report
Bylaws Committee Report
Bylaws Committee Debate
Resolutions Committee Report
Resolutions from the Floor
Resolutions Debate
Caucus by Congressional District
AZGOP Awards
AZGOP Memorials
Departing Words
Swearing In New Officers
Adjournment at 5PM
Dear Republican State Committeemen,
It is an honor to be able to preside over my first statutory meeting as Chairwoman of the Arizona Republican Party, and I would be remiss if I didn’t take this opportunity to thank you as a member of our State Committee for all that you do, and have done, to help Republicans win in our state. Thank you!
Just over a year ago, I was asked by President Donald J. Trump and grassroots Republicans across the state to run for chair after the seat unexpectedly became vacant with less than a year to go before the 2024 presidential election. The prospect was a daunting one. The 2024 election was likely to be one of the most important in our lifetime, and the success of President Trump’s candidacy ran directly through our state.
Ultimately though, after much prayer and heartfelt conversations with many of you, I decided to take the plunge and try and lead our party to victory.
Now, a year later, we can look back at the 2024 election as one of the most successful in our party’s history. President Trump won Arizona by nearly six points. We won two of the most competitive Congressional races in the country and helped ensure President Trump has a Republican majority in Congress. We defeated the night-mare that is ranked choice voting, and, against all odds, we not only held onto the Arizona Legislature, but we also increased our majorities!
Much of the credit for this goes to you! As members of the State Committee, we led a unified Republican party to victory in nearly every race. We showed that when we work together towards the same goal – defeating the Democrats – nothing can stop us.
Now, as we turn the corner into a new election cycle, I am proud to say our party is thriving at every level. Many of our county parties led voter turnout and chase/cure operations that were a key part of President Trump’s success in Arizona. Several of our legislative district committees played a vital role in the victories of some of the most competitive and expensive legislative races in the country. Our state party is in a strong and stable financial position that will allow us to build upon our success.
Together, we’ve come a long way over the last year, but I think we can agree, there is more to be done. In less than two years, we can defeat the leftist Democrats who occupy three important statewide offices, including the Governor’s office. In this next election cycle, we have an opportunity to build on our success and to consol-idate Republican control of our state for the next generation.
How do we do that? By remembering who our real opposition is and working together to defeat the Democrats in 2026. We all saw during the Obama/Biden presidency just how bad things can get in this country. Together we can march to victory in 2026. I am not tired of winning, let’s do this.
Thank you,
Gina Swoboda
Chairwoman, Republican Party of Arizona
The following are the determined rules which shall govern the statutory meeting. You may also view them at for ease of access and enlargement.
RULE 1 SUPREMACY CLAUSE These rules shall govern the statutory meeting of the State Committee of the Arizona Republican Party in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the laws of the United States, the State of Arizona, and with the continuing Bylaws of the Arizona Republican Party.
All matters not otherwise covered herein shall be governed by the latest edition of Robert's Rules of Order, Newly Revised.
RULE 2 QUORUM Per the State Party Bylaws Art. III Sec. D: One Third of the total membership of the State Committee as well as representatives from at least eight counties shall be present, either in person or by proxy, in order to constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting such business as was listed in the meeting call.
RULE 3 OFFICERS AND THEIR DUTIES The officers and their respective duties shall be as follows A. The present State Chairman, or designee, shall preside at all times during this meeting. The State Chairman shall appoint all committees and members thereof. B. The State Chairman is empowered to appoint a parliamentarian. C. The Secretary of the State Committee shall be the secretary of the meeting and shall prepare the minutes. D. Per the State Party Bylaws Art. IV Sec. A1: “A. List of Officers and Terms of Office 1. Statutory Elective Officers: Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer: two-year terms beginning and ending one week following the January statutory organizational meeting.” E. The Executive Members from a Congressional District shall assume office at the adjournment of the Statutory Meeting.
RULE 4 ORDER OF BUSINESS The Order of Business shall be the order prescribed in Article III, Section G, Subsection 2 of the State Party Bylaws.
RULE 5 SPEECHES Except for speeches which are scheduled on the program of the day, the following limitations apply to speeches during the meeting. A. speeches by the candidates, will be allowed for each candidate with a maximum total time limit of 3 minutes. Each candidate is to allocate the time according to their own desires. Candidates delivering speeches shall have access to the floor for the purpose of making those speeches as permitted by the State Chairman. Candidate speeches shall be conducted alphabetically by candidate last name for each office.
RULE 6 NOMINATIONS The names of those persons contained in the report of the Nominating Committee shall be considered as nominated for the respective position for which the name is submitted. Nominations may be made from the floor for all offices, subject to verification of a nominee’s qualifications to hold such office. No Member may be nominated for more than one office.
RULE 7 VOTING A. In addition to the traditional voting methods, the use of Voting Cards is also authorized. B. All votes on each contested election shall be cast by paper ballot. Per the State Party Bylaws, Art. III Sec. C1, “Election shall be determined by the majority [more than half] of the members of the State Committee present and voting either in person or by proxy or, in the case of an Executive Committee member from a congressional district, by a plurality of the members of the State Committee present and voting at the district caucus, either in person or by proxy.” C. The chair of the Tally Committee or their designee shall oversee the tabulation of ballots. When the tabulation of ballots is complete the Tally Committee chair or their designee shall deliver the results to the State Chairman. The State Committee Chairman shall then promptly announce the balloting results to the State Committee. D. If, after the first ballot, any of the statewide offices are not filled by a majority vote, the top two candidates receiving the highest number of votes shall be the nominees for the second ballot for the vacant statewide offices. For any statewide officer race in the First Round of balloting that does not have a winner and where there is a tie for second place, the tie shall be broken by the draw of a card from a package wrapper-sealed and unopened box of playing cards. The candidate drawing the lowest card shall advance to the runoff election. (Highest Card is an Ace, followed by King, Queen, and Jack, then by number. Suit Rank is from Highest to Lowest: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts, Spades.) E. The tie-breaking process shall be conducted and presided over by the Credentials and Tally Committee chair with the State chair observing. The box of playing cards must be unsealed and opened and the card deck properly shuffled in front of the candidates with the tie votes. The first candidate to draw a card will be determined by last name in alphabetical order. Results of the tie breaker shall be announced to the membership prior to the next round of voting. F. Each candidate for Party office may designate one individual to observe the tabulation of ballots.
RULE 8 TIE-BREAKER FOR CAUCUS ELECTIONS The tie-breaking process shall be conducted and presided over by the Credentials and Tally Committee chair with the State chair observing. The tie shall be broken by the draw of a card from a package wrapper-sealed and unopened box of playing cards. The candidate drawing the lowest card shall win the tie. The box of playing cards must be unsealed and opened and the card deck properly shuffled in front of the candidates with the tie votes. The first candidate to draw a card will be determined by last name in alphabetical order. Results of the tie breaker shall be announced to the membership.
RULE 9 METHOD OF AMENDING BYLAWS – Per the State Party bylaws Art. I Sec. B “An amendment to these bylaws may be proposed at any meeting called in accordance with these bylaws. A copy of the proposed amendment together with a statement explaining the purpose to be achieved and the reasons in support thereof shall be sent
to each member by the secretary with the notice of call for that meeting as prescribed in Article III – MEETINGS.1 Notice. A two-thirds vote of the members present in person or by proxy shall be necessary to pass any motion to amend.” Amendments to the bylaws from the floor will not be permitted at the statutory meeting.
RULE 10 DEBATE ON BYLAWS CHANGES AND RESOLUTIONS - Only credentialed State Committee members may be recognized to speak. Debate on all bylaw changes shall be limited to a maximum of 6 speakers per bylaw change. The time shall be evenly divided between proponents and opponents of each bylaw change. Debate on all resolutions shall be limited to a maximum of 4 speakers per resolution. The time shall be evenly divided between proponents and opponents of each resolution. No amendments or changes to a resolution will be heard from the floor or considered in order at any time. No member may speak on any one resolution or bylaw proposal longer than a total of 1 minute. No member may speak a second time on any one resolution or bylaw proposal until other members have had an opportunity to speak upon such issue, with the exception that the author of the proposed resolution or bylaw being debated may be called upon to answer questions directed to them specifically, provided that such speaker shall take no longer than one minute to answer each such question.
RULE 11 COMMITTEES A. CREDENTIALS COMMITTEE - The Credentials Committee shall have the responsibility for registering all qualified members entitled to vote or participate in the meetings of the State Committee. Registration shall close at 10:00 a.m. after which the Credentials Committee will promptly submit its report to the State Chairman for appropriate action. After the initial Credentials Committee report has been accepted, the State Chairman may re-open registration and the Credentials Committee may thereafter submit supplemental credentials reports to the State Chairman for appropriate action. No new registrations may be added while a vote on a statewide officer, caucus officer, resolution or bylaw change is in progress. In Maricopa and Pima counties, the Credentials Committee shall register the members in the legislative districts from which they were elected. Spoiled ballots must be taken to the Spoiled Ballot table and be logged in by Credentials/Tally Staff in order to receive a replacement ballot. State Committeemen leaving the meeting prior to the completion of all rounds of voting are required to sign out and drop off unused ballots and credentials at the checkout desk. B. NOMINATING COMMITTEE - Prior to the commencement of the meeting, the Nominating Committee will review the qualifications of all candidates for all offices submitted and shall report to the State Committee the names of all nominated candidates qualified for each statutory office. All nominated candidates must be State Committeemen at the time of their election. C. RESOLUTIONS COMMITTEE – The Resolutions committee will review the submitted resolutions and submit the resolutions committee report to the Chairman in accordance with the bylaws. At the discretion of the State Party Chairman, resolutions approved by the Resolutions Committee may be adopted pursuant to a single block vote. 1. Resolutions Offered from the Floor. A resolution may be offered from the floor subject to the following: (a) [Per AZGOP Bylaws Art. III Sec. H4] “Any resolution may be brought to the floor of any State Committee meeting if it is sponsored by at least 20% of the state committeemen present in person and who represent at least four counties.” (Persons present by proxy do not count for the purpose of the preceding 20% requirement.) (b) The sponsor of a resolution to be offered from the floor shall provide sufficient copies so that the proposed resolution may be distributed to all state committeemen present in person. (c) The sponsor of a resolution to be offered from the floor shall present a copy of the proposed resolution, together with the list of cosponsors, to the Chairman of the Resolutions Committee, no later than 9:00 a.m. on the day of the meeting. If a proposed resolution to be offered from the floor is received by the Resolutions Committee in a timely manner, it shall promptly meet to verify that the proposed resolution meets the criteria for floor resolutions. A list of all resolutions to be offered from the floor, that are verified as having met the criteria established by these Rules, shall be delivered to the State Party Chairman immediately following the conclusion of the review by the Resolutions Committee. It shall only be in order to offer a resolution from the floor as the next order of business immediately following action by the State Committee on all resolutions offered by the Resolutions Committee. Notwithstanding any other rule, no resolution may be presented from the floor other than in compliance with this Rule. At the time a sponsor of a resolution to be offered from the floor is recognized for the purpose of offering the motion a copy of the proposed floor resolution shall be distributed to each State Committeeman present. D. Bylaw Committee – See Rules 9 and 10. E. COMMITTEE REPORTS - The final report of all committees shall be submitted in writing to the Secretary of the State Committee and shall be signed by the Chairman or Secretary of the committee.
RULE 12 Once credentials are issued, no transfer of credentials from one member to another is permitted.
RULE 13 POST-ELECTION AUDITS A. Audits of any contested race shall be governed by the Republican Party of Arizona Bylaws Article III Sec. F. B. The Auditable Trail shall consist of the Credentials Report and supporting documentation, such as Scanned Batches, Batch Total Tally Sheets, Aggregation Sheets, Final Tally Report and Paper Ballots Cast. Documents within the Auditable Trail shall be subject to the same retention policy as prescribed in the Republican Party of Arizona Bylaws Article III Sec. F.
RULE 14 AMENDMENTS TO THESE RULES: Once adopted; these rules may be subsequently amended by a two-thirds vote of those present in person.
The following is a summary of the proposed bylaw changes to be debated at the statutory meeting.
Proposal votes are listed as follows (AYE – NO).
Submitted by: Julie McIlwain |
Proposed change in bold and underline Article III – MEETINGS
Any bylaw proposal may be brought to the floor of any State Committee meeting if it is sponsored by at least 20% of the state committeemen present in person and who represent at least four counties. Each such bylaw, unless previously submitted to the Bylaw Committee and included with the call, must be submitted with sufficient copies for all State Committeemen present in person. |
Reason for the proposed change: The resolutions committee is currently called out in the bylaws but there is no bylaws committee mentioned and at least 4 counties should be represented leaving a manageable and odd number of committee members. In addition, the procedure and a method for floor bylaws should also be mentioned and allowed. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (6-0) |
Submitted by: Ray Michaels |
Proposed change in bold and underline Article IV – OFFICERS, Section A. List of Officers and Terms of Office 4. Elected Members at Large Three Members at Large representing each Congressional District will be Elected at the Statutory Meeting for two- year terms beginning and ending one week following the January statutory organizational meeting. |
Article IV – OFFICERS, Section F. Duties of Elective Officers 8. Elected Members at Large Members at Large for the Congressional District elected shall attend all State Committee’s meetings and shall perform such duties as the State Chairman may assign. They shall keep each Legislative District/County Committee within their Congressional District boundaries informed on State Party matters. |
Reason for the proposed change: Congressional Members at Large are an elected position at the Statutory Meeting and should be recognized in the Bylaws. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (6-0) |
Submitted by: Steve Zipperman |
Proposed change in bold and underline Article IV – OFFICERS, Section C. Method of Electing Officers 2. The Republican Party of Arizona shall treat all Republican candidates fairly during the primary irrespective of whether the party has aided in the recruitment of such candidate or any other factor. In races without a primary election, the Republican Party of Arizona shall continue to treat all candidates fairly through the general. Notwithstanding, this paragraph does not apply to either judicial retention elections or in presidential preference elections, or potential presidential preference elections, where an incumbent Republican president is seeking re- election. Prior to the statutory organizational and mandatory meetings, the State Chairman shall appoint a nominating committee and chairman thereof to recruit candidates for statewide party offices. The nominating committee shall meet before the call is issued. The report of the nominating committee shall be included in the call of the meeting. This report shall not preclude nominations from the floor. This provision shall not prohibit individual county Executive Committees from establishing a caucus meeting of the Precinct Committeemen to select specific Republican candidate(s) to endorse prior to a primary election. |
Reason for the proposed change: Yavapai County consists of a large majority of Republican voters. The candidate who wins the Republican Primary election WILL win the general election. Currently, Article IV, C 2. is being interpreted to prevent the Yavapai County GOP from helping to promote any specific Republican candidates before the primary election. Unfortunately, that means the Republican party cannot fulfill its mission - working to get Republican candidates elected. By the time the party can actively support a candidate (after the primary election), that candidate will already be guaranteed to be the winner of the general election, so any of the party's actions to support a specific candidate are totally irrelevant and ineffective. Candidates don't get necessary funding, door knocking or support until too late in the process (after they are already guaranteed a win in the general election). If it chooses to do so, the County party should be able to determine the best republican candidate for the office by conducting candidate debates, and having PCs vote for the candidate they wish for the County party to support. That would give PCs more voice in the candidates that should be supported by the County Republican Committee, and it would allow the County party to have an influence over which Republican candidate gets elected. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (5-1) |
Submitted by: Gina Swoboda |
Proposed change in bold and underline Article IV - OFFICERS, Section G. Duties of Appointed Officers, 2. Finance Chairman The Finance Chairman shall raise funds for the party. The Finance Chairman need not be a member of the State Committee. The Chairman and Treasurer, may elect to apportion and allocate funds for all joint candidate committees, and if pre-approved within 90 days of the general election, the Finance Chairman shall have the ability to administer joint candidate committee activities and coordinated campaigns, including the disbursement of pre- approved allocations. The Finance Chair shall report all raised funds quarterly to the Executive Committee and report on all funds raised and dispersed on behalf of any joint candidate committee 30 days following the general election to the Executive Committee. The Finance Chair shall not disburse any other funds. |
Reason for the proposed change: In the 2024 election cycle, the Arizona Republican Party for the first time managed an extensive Legislative coordinated campaign program. Many people - including state legislators - attribute this program to being one of the primary reasons that the AZGOP expanded its legislative majorities in 2024. To be efficiently managed, this program requires fast action to send out mail and other marketing and voter contact. Often times the Chairman and Treasurer are not available to make micro-decisions on approving mail pieces and other items. This bylaw would allow the Chairman and Treasurer to "pre-allocate" money to the coordinated and joint campaign funds and then give the Finance Chair authority, at the direction of the Chair, the ability to disburse these funds accordingly. Since this is a very detailed, expansive, and time-intensive effort, this takes a large administrative burden off of the Chair and the Treasurer. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (6-0) |
Submitted by: Julie McIlwain |
Proposed change in bold and underline Article VI - STATE CONVENTION, D. Election of Delegates and Alternates of National Convention D. Each congressional district caucus shall elect delegates and alternates pursuant to the national call. Each alternate within the district shall be listed and serve in an order determined by the number of votes received or, in case of a tie, by lot. The State Convention shall then elect delegates and alternates at large pursuant to the national call. The at- large alternates shall be listed and serve in an order determined by the number of votes received or, in case of a tie, by lot. Delegate candidates may have the opportunity to run for both at large and congressional districts at the State Convention; however, they may only hold one position. |
Reason for the proposed change: The bylaws should allow members the most opportunity to chances and be elected, especially in competitive districts. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (6-0) |
The following is a summary of the proposed resolutions to be debated at the statutory meeting. The complete resolution proposal may be viewed at
Proposal votes are listed as follows (AYE – NO).
Submitted by: Deborah McEwen |
Resolution Title: Republican Party of Arizona Resolution Declaring June as Emancipation Month Whereas the Republican Party, founded in 1854, was a coalition opposing the extension of slavery into Western territories and fighting to protect the rights of slaves after the Civil War. Whereas President Lincoln signed the preliminary 1862 Emancipation Proclamation, and one hundred days later, on June 19, 1865, President Lincoln issued the final Emancipation Proclamation; Texas Governor Allred issued the 1938 Proclamation to observe June 19 for the celebration of Emancipation. Whereas modern journalists, authors, activists, and ideologues have maliciously misappropriated history and misled Americans through fictional interpretations and ideologies that depict a corruption of historical understanding, which have silenced Historians and Americans on these issues. Whereas the role of religion and natural law are being refuted as the origins of our constitutional basis and rights, threatening the American family, law, justice, and the U.S. Constitution itself. Therefore, the Republican Party of Arizona resolves to declare the entire month of June into the celebration and acclamation of liberty declared in the Emancipation Proclamation of 1863, changing the moral direction of America by promoting and participating in civic engagement, using education and activities to reintroduce true heroes and history which helped shape this country and which will be the model of honor and inspiration to our posterity. |
Status in Committee: PASSED (7-0) |
The offices for election at the 2025 Statutory Meeting on January 25, 2025, include Executive Officers (Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) and Members at Large (CD1-CD9).
Nominations were received in accordance with the AZGOP bylaws. Being an elected State Committeeman is required, and each nominee’s status has been confirmed.
The following Nomination Committee Report was submitted:
Chairman: Cory McGarr, Gina Swoboda
Secretary: Nickie Kelley, Tracy Martin
Treasurer: Ron Gould, David Vanderscoff
CD1 MAL: Jaime Alford, Mark Beach, Brian Ference, Jeff Greenspan, Charmaine Roth, Peter Sample, Janell Soyster Buchholdt
CD2 MAL: Sarica Cernohous, Hal Kunnen, Sherri Laffey-Long, Lori Ann Martinez, Elliot Prichard, Arlene Rheinfelder, Mary Rodriguez, Wendy Rogers, Larry Schug, Steve Zipperman
CD3 MAL: Jeremiah Cota, Julie McIlwain, Cheryl Rosado, Thomas Wingo
CD4 MAL: Donald Hiatt, Madeleine McDonald, Patricia Porter
CD5 MAL: Ken Berger, Shelli Boggs, Deborah Cohen, Trevor Cook, Barby Ingle, Carol Nelson, Ken Taylor, Melinda Yarbro
CD6 MAL: Cheryl Caswell, Bob Dohse, Gail Griffin, Mary Martinez-McCormick
CD7 MAL: Malba Alvarez, Colleen Bathe, Bill Beard, Robin Davis, David Lara, Tara Maldonado Oster, Brenda Simon
CD8 MAL: Carol Ayotte, Will Feierabend, Anthony Kern, William Mitchell, Michelle Rugloski
CD9 MAL: Michelle Altherr, Robert Fisher, Timothy Griepp, Misty Lynn Hernandez, Diana Jones
All State Committeemen and ADA should access GENERAL PARKING and ADA PARKING from North 22nd Streetfrom Sweetwater Avenue or Eugie Terrace from Cave Creek Road. Please report to the MAIN HALL LOBBY for Credentialing. Credentialing for Maricopa County will begin at 8:00 AM and for all other counties at 8:30 AM.
The MAIN HALL is where the Statutory Meeting will begin at 10:00 AM.
Speakers and media should access the SPEAKER and MEDIA PARKING LOT to the north on Sharon Drive from Cave Creek Road. There will be a Media registration table outside of the Main Hall. Media shall remain outside and not be allowed inside the lobby or the Main Hall.
ALL State Committeemen (including Speakers) should proceed directly to their County/LD credentialing table. Those carrying proxies should proceed directly to the Proxy table and report to County/LD AFTER their proxies are processed.
VIPs and media should register at the VIP registration table outside of the Main Hall. Media shall remain in the media approved area.
ALL State Committeemen (except proxy holders) should proceed directly to their County/LD credentialing table.
Those carrying proxies should proceed directly to the Proxy table and report to County/LD AFTER their proxies are processed.
What time does the meeting start?
Credentialing will begin at 8:00 AM for the Maricopa County Republican Committee and its corresponding Legislative Districts, and 8:30 AM for all other County Committees. Credentialing will end at 10:00 AM with the meeting convening promptly at 10:00 AM.
Are guests permitted to attend?
Attendance is restricted to credentialed state committeemen, meeting staff and invited speakers and VIPs. Volunteers (PCs and party members) can assist with the credentialing process but will not be permitted inside (aside from restroom breaks).
What are the food and beverage options?
Lunch will not be provided. There will be several food trucks outside from 11:00AM-2:00PM. No food and drink (except water) is allowed inside the meeting location. If you have food allergies, please bring your own lunch.
What is the process for proxies?
**Members carrying a proxy must go to proxy table first before going to County/LD credential table.
Members shall carry no more than three (3) proxies.
- Every proxy must be attested by a Notary Public or two witnesses, other than the principals, brought to the meeting by the carrier.
- State Committeemen attending by proxy may be called during credentialling to verify witness signatures.
- The form shall be filled out in its entirety, completely and accurately, with no blank fields or scratch-outs.
- State Committeemen or their designated proxies are required to present photo identification in order to conduct business, receive ballots, and cast votes. As a reminder, credentials are not transferable at any time during the course of the meeting.
Will alternates be permitted?
- There is no official role for alternates at AZGOP meetings. "State Committeemen alternate" is not listed in AZGOP bylaws. "Alternates" exist for the purpose of delegates at the quadrennial state convention meeting not for state committeemen at the statutory or mandatory meetings. County may have bylaws that mention alternates, but alternates do not exist for AZGOP meetings.
- In the event an elected state committeeman is unable to attend the statutory meeting, they are required to provide a valid proxy to a valid proxy carrier if they wish to do so.
- A State Committeeman slot is only vacated by:
- Resignation; Death; Relocation outside the elected jurisdiction within a county comprised of a population exceeding 500,000 (Maricopa & Pima)