Arizona Delegation Page


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The Standing Committee on Arrangements (COA) for the 2024 National Republican Committee is responsible for the planning and management of the convention. The Arizona member of the COA is National Committeewoman, Lori Klein Corbin, who is also responsible for the appointment of one delegation Page. 

The delegation Page must be between the ages of sixteen (16) and twenty (20) at the time of the 2024 RNC Convention. 

The duties of the delegation Page will include but are not limited to the following:

  • The delegation Page will serve as the Arizona delegation’s liaison to COA staff during Convention Sessions. This could include:
    • Assisting COA staff with the distribution of Convention materials.
    • Helping with the management of floor operations and demonstrations.
    • Communicating important information from COA staff to the state delegation.
  • The delegation Page reports to the Delegation Chairman (or his or her designee), the Page will serve under the direction of authorized COA staff, as well as the Delegation Chairman (or his or her designee).

Leading up to the Convention, the delegation Page must be available to attend necessary remote training sessions by COA staff to ensure Pages are prepared for their Convention Sessions responsibilities.

The Republican Party of Arizona will cover the cost for travel, hotel and food for the appointed Arizona Delegation Page. 

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