Premier Sponsor
- Title sponsor of the convention stage
- Company logo displayed:
- on the entrance signage to the general session and luncheon
- on all mailings, press releases and emails mentioning SC
- at all convention events leading up to the state convention
- on large monitors in main hall
- in VIP suite with other major sponsors
- in all caucus rooms and directional signage
- on printed / promotional materials
- Company commercials played in both the VIP suite and general session
- Two (2) full page advertisements in the convention program
- Ten (10) premier seating tickets for general session
- Premier table of ten (10) at the luncheon
- Complimentary premium booth space in general session location & at the luncheon entrance
- Two (2) items with company logo displayed in convention bags
Gold Sponsor
- Title sponsor of the convention stage
- Company logo displayed:
- on the entrance signage to the general session and luncheon
- on all mailings, press releases and emails mentioning SC
- at all convention events leading up to the state convention
- on large monitors in main hall
- in VIP suite with other major sponsors
- in all caucus rooms and directional signage
- on printed / promotional materials
- One (1) full page advertisement in the convention program
- Six (6) premier seating tickets for general session
- Six (6) tickets to the luncheon for you and guests
- Complimentary premium booth space in the convention exhibit hall
- One (1) item with company logo displayed in convention bags
Silver Sponsor
- Company logo displayed:
- on the entrance signage to the general session
- on all mailings, press releases and emails mentioning state convention
- at all convention events leading up to the state convention
- on large monitors in main hall
- in VIP suite with other major sponsors
- on printed / promotional materials
- One (1) half page advertisement in the convention program
- Company tickets issued to events and exclusive suite
- Four (4) premier seating tickets for general session
- Four (4) tickets to the luncheon for you and guests
- Complimentary premium booth space in the convention exhibit hall
- One (1) item with company logo displayed in convention bags
Patriot Sponsor
- Company logo displayed:
- on all mailings, press releases and emails mentioning SC
- on printed / promotional materials
- on entrance signage to the general session
- One (1) quarter page advertisement in the convention program
- Company tickets issued to events
- Two (2) premier seating tickets for general session
- Two (2) tickets to the luncheon for you and guests
- Complimentary booth space in the main exhibit space
- One (1 )item with company logo displayed in convention bags
Build Your Own
- Convention Bags
- $500 - One (1) item with company logo placed in each attendee bag
- Convention passes
- $1000 – Four (4) VIP seating tickets for general session
- $2500 – Four (4) VIP session passes and 4 luncheon passes
- Advertising
- $500 – Company logo displayed on printed / promotional materials
- One (1) quarter page advertisement in the convention program
- $500 – Signage and promotional materials displayed at credentialing
- $5000 – Patio lunch sponsor
- Solo signage displayed at entrance
- Promotional materials handed out to attendees
- Two (2) VIP session passes and 2 luncheon passes
- $500 – Company logo displayed on printed / promotional materials
- Events
- $1000 – Four (4) tickets for night before reception
- $5000 – Ten (10) tickets for premier luncheon table location
- Program advertisements
- $2000 – One (1) full page
- $1000 – One (1) half page
- $500 – One (1) quarter page
Paid for by Arizona Republican Party Not Authorized by any Candidate or Candidate's Committee.