AZGOP Launches Ad Campaign Against Prop 140 California-Style Ranked Choice Voting

For Immediate Release

PHOENIX, Ariz. — The Arizona Republican Party launched a statewide digital and OTT/streaming ad blitz against Prop 140, a dangerous measure that threatens to bring California-style ranked choice voting to Arizona.

Ranked choice voting has been a disaster in California, leading to confusion, delayed results, and watered-down elections that leave voters frustrated and unheard.

Now, proponents of Prop 140 are pushing this same broken system on Arizona voters.

“Prop 140 is a Trojan horse for California’s failed election system,” said AZGOP Chair Gina Swoboda. “Ranked choice voting leaves voters confused and undermines the integrity of our elections. Arizona doesn’t need the mess that California is stuck with.”

The Arizona Republican Party is committed to defending our election process from out-of-state influence and ensuring Arizonans have a clear, straightforward way to cast their vote. Prop 140 is not it.

Stay informed. Protect our elections. And let’s keep California’s chaos out of Arizona.


About the Arizona Republican Party:

The Republican Party champions freedom, limited government, and equality, aiming to empower all Americans. We advocate for economic prosperity through free enterprise and common sense policy, reducing government overreach and taxes. Committed to safeguarding rights and promoting strong national defense, healthcare reform, and quality education, we are dedicated to reviving the American Dream and ensuring a brighter future for Arizona and the nation.

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