Just about every trick in the book was employed during the 2020 election: multiple states stopped vote counts simultaneously, counts were altered, chain of custody laws were broken and even the dead voted. Despite the circumstantial and hard evidence, victors were declared and seats were filled.
Fortunately, we here at the Republican Party of Arizona went right to work to push for an audit of the 2020 election. And thanks to strong Republicans right here in Arizona, we've been successful in doing just that. Now, you can sign the petition to support what’s been affectionately named “America’s Audit”. Since America’s Audit commenced, grateful delegations from around the country have visited the Grand Canyon State to learn from what we are doing.
Unfortunately, Democrats have fought against us as we work to deliver voter confidence back to our electoral system. There's one reason why Democrats would want to prevent this audit, and it isn’t good. Sign the petition today to make sure that a thorough audit is conducted in its entirety to give voters the peace-of-mind they deserve.